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Social & Emotional


Consultancy Services

Marumali Consultations assists individuals and organisations, through support, development and empowerment, to optimise Social and Emotional Well-being for a balanced health, home and work life.

Our Services

Our Servuces

“Marumali Consultations have tailored and delivered Cultural Capacity Development & Training to our headspace staff in Melbourne and around the country, for a number of years now. They have also customised several professional development workshops specifically for our Aboriginal workforce and continue to provide mentoring and supervision to some of our staff.


Both Clinton and Stacey are extremely humble, knowledgeable and respectful in their approach to sharing their cultural and clinical knowledge and experiences. They are easy to work with and effectively tailor their workshops to the developmental needs of your organisation.”

Nathan Bramston


Senior Cultural Practice Advisor

Employee & Organisational Wellbeing Services

EWS is designed to provide a confidential and supportive counselling service to employees who are experiencing psychological injury (depression, anxiety, conflict, etc) or further challenges that impede upon productivity and wellness within the workplace.

Organisational Psychology & Consultancy 

We provide general Organisational Psychology and Consultancy Services in addition to those that are culturally specific in nature.

Counselling & Focused Psychological Services (FPS)

We provide focused psychological strategies through the bulk billed Better Access Initiative. FPS are a range of brief- to medium- term evidence-cased psychological services and therapeutic interventions useful for the management and treatment of depression, anxiety and suicide risk.

Research & Publications

We are experienced researchers and provide organisations with qualitative and quantitative investigations. Although we undertake research with any population or group, we specialise in research with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities.

Cultural Capacity Development & Training

With the increasing diversity of workplaces, Cultural Capacity Development is crucial to both productivity and employee well-being. We provide training, development, auditing and support for organisations to ensure practices and procedures are culturally conscious.

Supervision, Mentoring & Coaching

Supervision is an integral aspect of professional practice and continued professional development. Cultural supervision allows for a deeper understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures to assist in the facilitation of positive engagement and healing for clients. We can assist with cultural mentoring and coaching for professionals seeking guidance and the development of practical skills for effective engagement with others from diverse cultural backgrounds. 


Our philosophy

Marumali Consultations is all about holistic heath and wellness, specifically social, emotional and cultural well-being, bringing about healing through the use of a range of therapies, including traditional and spiritual. In Gamilaraay, 'maru mali' means 'to heal, the head/mind'. 

Vision - To increase access to and the use of Aboriginal knowledge and Indigenous psychologies with regards to well-being at all levels of human existence and interaction, particularly within organisational spaces.


Mission- An Aboriginal owned and managed social and emotional wellbeing service specialising in human functionality in organisational spaces and holisitic worker wellbeing. This is done from a position of positive lore that assists with prospering a sense of healthy spirit and spirituality in the workplace.


Values - All Marumali Consultation consultants strive to work in accordance with the following Positive Principles: Respect, Responsibility, Reciprocity, Acceptance, Connectedness and Interconnectedness.  We believe in working from a position of truth and understand the importance of spirituality to well-being, particularly work related well-being.

PO Box 542, West Burleigh LPO, QLD 4219

Tel. +61 438 382 707

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